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вторник, 4 ноября 2014 г.

Весёлый английский

Game  "A tisket, a tasket"                                                                                                                
  A tisket, a tasket,
A green and yellow basket,
I sent a letter to my love,
   And on the way I dropped it,
I dropped, I dropped it,
And on the way I dropped it,
A little boy picked it up,
  And put it in his pocket

 How To Play
The children sit in a circle, and one child who is carrying a small basket containing a folded letter, skips around the perimeter of the circle, as everyone sings the song. When the song comes to an end, the skipping child stops, and places the letter behind another child, who then jumps up, picking up the letter. They then both dash around the circle in opposite directions in order to race each other back to the vacated space. The first one back sits down, and the other one sings the song again, repeating the pattern as many times as required to give everyone a go.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears : Action Song and Story Telling

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears, (make a roof shape with hands)
Oh what did her blue eyes see? (peep through circled  fingers)
A bowl that was huge, a bowl that was small,  (show huge, and small with hands)
And a bowl that was tiny, and that was all, (make a tiny bowl with hands)
She counted them one,  two,  three.    (count with fingers 1, 2, 3 )(repeat for verses 2 & 3 but instead of 3 bowls, there are 3 chairs in verse 2, and 3 beds in verse 3)
When Goldilocks ran from the house of the bears, (pretend to run on the spot)
Oh what did her blue eyes see? (peep through circled fingers)
A bear that was huge! (pretend to be a huge bear)
A bear that was small, (pretend to be a smaller bear)
And a bear that was tiny, and that was all, (pretend to be a tiny bear)
They growled at her, GROWL, GROWL GROWL!! (growl as loudly as you can!)
After singing the song you can develop the ideas further by comparing the Daddy Bear to Daddy Semibreve (whole note) and Mummy Bear to Mummy Minim (half note) and the Baby Bear to the Little Quaver Twins (1/8th notes). See our Fun Way To Teach Kids Note Values post for more details. Everyone can march around the room to the beat of a tambourine taking giant steps with a great big deep voice, middle sized steps with a medium voice and tiny little steps with a high squeaky voice. The children are usually very keen to get into character!

Can You Guess Who Has the Ring


Can (do) you (re) guess (mi) who (mi) has (re) the (re) ring (do) as (mi) we (fa) pass (so) it (so) on (fa) the (fa) string (mi)? Pass (so) it (so) left (la). Pass (fa) it (fa) right (so). Always (mi-mi) keep (fa) it (fa) out (re) of (re) sight (do).